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Visitas! - Visiter

Nos vino a visitar Tito, hijo de nuestros amigos de Maui.

Se nos creciò el nene!!!

Aprovechè he hicimos algunos paseos!

Miramos varias partes de la costa, en general pura roca…, lava. Fascinados con los bichitos que viven ahi no màs de la tierra!, piletas naturales en marea baja dan la facilidad de caminar alrededor y mirar quièn vive en ellas! Las tortugas de mar infaltables!!

Almorzamos con Denis he hicimos algunos mandados!

Tito fascinado con los campos interminables de lava!, a cada rato querìa parar a caminar entre la lava!

A la noche fuimos a un hotel que tiene una plataforma para mirar las rayas enromes!, les prenden una luz y se viene cerquita de la orilla pero justo esa noche no… Creo estarìan distraídas por los botes y turistas que tenían la excursión con las luces prendidas ahi no màs. Uno puede nadar y estar en el agua con ellas alrededor!

El dìa de su regreso, mientras esperàbamos que lo buscara su papà y Danny, nos fuimos hasta Waikoloa Beach y le mostrè los diques que hacían los hawaianos nativos para pescar, miles de años atràs!; me llamo la atención esto redondeles en la arena en el dique, tengo que averiguar bien, pero pareciera ser la forma de poner y cuidar los huevos que usa ese pececillo negro!


Tito came to stay with us for a couple of nights!

He has grown so much in this last year!

I took him to a couple of spots that could be interesting for him. From home we walked to the coastline to check to ocean and it critters! Beautiful little things living among the rocks!

The coastline is most rocks, lava hardly any beach or sand areas close to our home. Anyway, in general Big Island doesn’t have good beaches.

Tito liked very much the lava fields and wanted to go and walk on them at all times! It get quite hot so we did short walks here and there.

One night we went to a hotel that has a manta ray platform viewing, that night we were no lucky to see any, I think they were distracted by the tour boats with the lights on, tourists have the opportunity to swim or at least, to be in the water with them! The blue lights attract them for better viewing.

The day he was to return, while waiting for his ride/fly we went to Waikoloa beach and walk around of one fishponds, Hawaiian natives used them to keep their fish. Here there is a quiet oaky beach to swim but he didn’t feel like it.

We saw a fish that makes round holes in the sand under water, I gather it was looking after their eggs! I have to investigate…

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