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Fin de año… End of the year…

Uf se volaron los dias!… y ya llega fin de año!

Seguimos en casa, California.

Yo paseo en bici, empiezan las primeras lluvias de la época; vamos a Mendocino para el cumple de Denis (desde ese entonces que no escribo…); exploramos un sendero cerquita de casa que sigue un arroyito y volvemos por el pueblo para acer un circuito!!

ENGLISH: I can’t believe Christmas has came and gone in a blink of an eye… Soon will be 2022…

We are still in California.

I have done more bike rides in town; went to Mendocino for Denis birthday…; together we explored a bike trail close by home, following a creek and came back through neighborhood making nice loop!

Denis y su grupo apurados por terminar los trabajos antes de las Fiestas, la lluvia en los ùltimos dias hizo que varios trabajos se pararan para continuar el año que viene.

Last month was a bit stressful for Denis as the first rains started; crew member are getting anxious to go home for the Holidays; so, some jobs are put on hold until next year, the car park and putting green he was working at are finish in time but they need to go back to that golf course to finish up another area.

He has been on vacations since the 17th just as the seasonal rain has started….

Yo exploro senderos en los cerros ya que ahora tengo una mountain bike!, anda una maravilla!

As I have a new mountain bike!, now I can explore dirt bike paths in the hills!

Marina vino de Suiza a estudiar ingles en Berkeley, aprovecho mi tiempo libre a mostrarle un poco de la belleza de esta ligar! Empezando con un paseo corto por el puente Golden Gate; nos toco un dia divino de sol!!

Marina, a friend of a friend!, has come to this area to learn English, I take the chance to show her around in my spear time. Our first trip was to the Golden Gate!, gorgeous views on a sunny day. It doesn’t matter how many times I have seen this bridge… it is alway so impressive, majestic!

Un paseo por el sendero contra la bahía con Roy y Deb, siempre tan lindo no importa si hay sol o no!

We biked with Roy y Deb, a section of the SF Bay trail, though it was a bit overcast, views are always pretty!

Llego el 24 y yo me olvide el teléfono en lo de Deb la noche anterior… una escapada a buscarlo y una caminata con ellos tres a ver una catarata cerca de la casa de ellos. Normalmente no corre mucha agua pero hace una semana que llueve así que estaba re linda!!

Nos juntamos toda la familia, bah los que podían, en lo de Joy el 24 a la noche, y almorzamos y pasamos la tarde del 25 en lo de Sylvia. El dia lo terminamos con juegos y muchas risas!

24th came and went… most of the family gathered at Joy’s; played white elephant, laugh a lot!

The 25th again, most of the same group went to Sylvia's for lunch, chit chat and the late ones to leave played games! Had a great time!

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