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Hielooo!! Vendo hielo!!! - 24 hs ice maker!

Foto del escritor: MariaMaria

La màquina de hacer hielo que nadie atiende!! Ja! Ja! Ja! Se opera solita!, le pones monedas o billetes por la cantidad que quieres comprar y van saliendo las bolsas solitas! Justo había un señor comprando así que vì cómo lo hacia…, ni se mosqueò que sacaba fotos… igual no lo incluì a èl… (habrà pensado estaría loca… ja! Ja! Ja!)

Hay varias en diferentes lugares y todas tienen el mismo dibujo de propaganda!, debe ser todas de una misma empresa!

The ice maker that is self service! You put coins or bills/notes for the amount of the ice you want to buy and the bags keep coming out one by one!!

It was a man buying some so I got to see how it works! I was taking pictures as he was buying but I didn’t incluid him; he probably thought I was crazy! Ha! Ha! Ha!

I have seen them at different location and looking the same, with the same advertising!, they must belong to the same company!

2 commentaires

18 juin 2021

Great photos .. all good on Mt Tambo though temp dropping .. had fire blazing in the evenings but lovely sunny days. PM had hernia op .. just about fully recovered .. not sure about Nurse Vicki .. hehe .. sending our love & hugs xx

18 juin 2021
En réponse à

lovely! great to heard you both doing well! love to you both

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